
Location Based Services (LBS) provide site-specific information and other services based on positioning data. They result from the interaction of connected devices, cloud servers and an infrastructure providing positioning data.

For this purpose, apps need to know the exact actual location of the user. However, this is not always possible: The typical GPS signal is too vague and technologies like beacons, WLAN or NFC are unfavorable for various reasons. The OSRAM lighting installation levels those disadvantages by providing luminaires with tailored communications technologies which offer more than simple beacons. By this, the lighting installation turns into a smart infrastructure which notifies the device about its exact location. The lighting installation offers a simple battery-independent solution in each luminaire and an excellent and homogeneous coverage of the area.

The technology upgrades the lighting installation to a digital service system for this specific location:

  • The lighting system emits site-specific information
  • Smartphones, devices and machines receive and process site-specific information through an app
  • (Cloud) servers offer the management of relevant content

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